Radiotherapy is still going great. The staff are lovely. Leah is going to miss going each day. She had a ball each day moving machines at the touch of a button and talking over the microphone from the control panel. Kady went to enjoy checking out the lovely Josh.
Last night I noticed I am a little red. That was gone by this morning. This afternoon I am feeling a little red again. Hopefully it will go away over night. A little sore but nothing major. I am starting to look tanned.
My hair is growing fast now. Still too short not to wear a hat. It is coming through quite dark now. Lots of blond fuzz that is longer but all the newest hair is almost black.
My hair is growing back everywhere. I have eyebrows growing back and eyelashes once again. Wish it wasn't growing in some places. Back to waxing, plucking and shaving, bugger.
HI Dawn,
i am gald you are getting through this Ok. I was wodnering if you were Ok cause you hadn't blogged then i check on you today and there are all these posts.
No wonder you had no time to blog, you have been sooo busy.
Good on you..
Take care
Dear Dawn,
I am so glad to hear that your radiation is going well! And, so glad to hear, too, that your hair is growing back. Mine came back quickly, too, and in unwanted places as well. The break from waxing and such was nice, wasn't it? But, we WILL be grateful for bad hair days once again, if only because we have learned to see through new eyes. :-)
Take care,
we are so glad that the radiotherapy is going ok xxxx
Dawn, so glad to hear that your radio is going well. As always, your attitude is amazing.
Love Lynn
x x x x
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