Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back To School

Back to school today. The summer holidays flew by. I love having the kids home and no day to day rushing around. We had a great summer holidays. Lots of warm weather. The girls spent day after day in the pool.

Leah goes into grade four this year and Kady started high school, grade 7. I can't believe she is in grade 7 already. Where have those years gone. She had a great day and is still sitting doing her homework. Leah also loved her first day back.

The highschool Kady is going too is composed of a junior and senior campus. This means that Kady and Leah will never be at the same school again. A little sad in a way. When Leah starts highschool Kady will be heading over to the senior campus. They will share one bus the same before Kady changes over to a second bus.


Anonymous said...

kady and leah look very smart xxx

Anonymous said...

just look at those 2 girls, all grown up and ready to go.
Watch out guys.

Paula... said...

Oooh doesn't Kady look sooooo grown up!