For the first time in ages we have had some on again off again rain. Enough to wet the soil and water the plants. Enough to cause my lettuce in the vege patch to begin to rot (bugger). It is so nice though. It has been hot and humid even though we have had rain. The wind has been strong. In some areas the bush fires are still taking houses, in other areas, streets and shops are being flooded. What the???????????????????
We seem to be in between. This season has been our most worrying for bush fires. It is so dry everywhere. Most towns are on Level four water restrictions. Our area seems to miss so much of the rain coming through. On the radar it's there one minute and then nothing the next. Luckily in some ways we are on tank water and don't have to worry about restrictions. On the other hand if we don't get rain we have to buy water.
On a sad note, on Thursday night my little ducks were taken by a fox. Feel so shitty. I put them in the shed, walked down the hill to get the big ducks and Reggie the goose, and put them in the shed. Looked through the shed window and I swear all were in there in the semi dark. The babies are so scared and have never come out once I get them in. Locked them in for the night and went inside.
The next morning I went to let them out. Big ducks and fat goose come out. I head into the shed to chase the babies out (as usual). mmmm no babies in shed. Look in nesting boxes, no sign. Babies must have headed back out of pen last night after I chased them in. I feel so stupid that I didn't realise they weren't in there. I mean I even poked my head through the window of the shed and thought I saw them huddled in the corner in the dark. Sadly a fox or two must have take them during the night. Not a feather or sign anywhere. Sly fox. We have had so many around lately. A friend the same night had a few baby goats taken.
cant belive whats happening with your weather hot and dry then wind and rain ,shame about your little ducks ;xxxxx
Bugger you are missing most of the rain We are too :(
Oh thats sad about the ducks Friends of ours lost their chickens to foxes and Bridgette found them It was awful :( But just another part of life I guess
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