Thursday, January 18, 2007

Some Layouts

using lots of my old stash.

A layout for the house album. We had a nook in our lounge room that was once used for a bar. Five months after we moved into the house, Jason built a wall and added a door on the other side. Now we have a walkin cupboard (for all my scrapping gear lol) to store stuff in. After these photos were taken he added shelving. Kady's school camp in Grade three. Gosh how time flies. Now I have to scrap the rest of the school camps.
Looking for gold in the Quartz when the family were visiting three years ago.

Some older photos of when the family came to stay for christmas three years ago. We explored the forest a little when they were down.

Last page for last years monthly snapshot album. Have loved doing these. Great to look back on and see what you did each month. This year I am going to use a collage of photos for the month.

A layout for the pre-kids album. We used to hike a lot to some remote places off the track. This is Red Cave in the Grampians. We hiked cross country up to this cave. It was fantastic. J and I are looking young and so skinny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi didnot relise that was jay in the photo he has long hair xxx