Monday, December 25, 2006

The Stockings Are Hung

and the babes are asleep. All is ready for Santa.

Some sad news tonight. I rang my Nan to wish her Merry Christmas. Nanny is not too well and was awaiting Uncle Michael to take her to hospital. I hope she doesn't have to stay there over Christmas. She feels she will as she feels so sick a(she has been awake all night and feeling really yuck). She is worried she won't come home. She was hoping to spend this Christmas with the family.

Happy my pressie arrived to her prior to Christmas (she got it three days ago, yah the postal system). She hadn't opened it so I told her to take it to hospital with her.I hope the photos of all the Aussie family will bring a smile to her face.All the grandkids and greatgrands plus the overseas son (my dad) and wife (my mum).

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. It's now Christmas morning. It certainly gets harder as the kids get older. The parents get much less sleep as they head off to bed so much later.Mind you J has been snoring away for over two hours.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Dawn! I'm the only one up in our house and it's 9:30am.I must admit I like this quiet time after the night before. Sorry to hear about your NANA. We have my MIL in the MAROONDAH hospital so we are going down to see her later this afternoon. My dad was here last night but he wasn't well. So glad he got to come though. Just waiting now for the boys to surface so that we can continue our present giving.
Have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Dawn,
just another day at the office for Santa. Em opened her nail kit to find she only had the fitting and not the rest of the equipment lol, so she ask santa to get her a refund, lol.Tony said her felt like Robin Williams as the girls got mp3's and no need for our car cd's cute.
Had prawns for morning tea with Will & Val always good value. stuffed ourselfs and never ate the rest of the day, my brother Sid got a big donk for his old hq and we had a white smoke and cake {i baked it this year} and it was good..xxxxx Always Mim

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Nan. I'm glad she got the gift and that you were able to talk to her. Living far away is such a pain!

Paula... said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Nan, it must be so hard living so far away from her. I'm so glad your gift arrived in time Christmas for her though :)

quiltingscraps said...

Merry Christmas Dawn, I am so very sad to hear about your Nan and hope that you and your family are doing ok. I am so glad that your gift arrived for her to see your beautiful creation :-)