Thursday, December 28, 2006


This afternoon we decided to go for a drive and bushwalk in the forest where we live. We love living here and never tire of exploring another track or trail. The forest is so dry a the moment but we were surprised to see so many ferns and mosses growing in the shadows and valleys. We didn't spot one single roo or snake.

The river bed is nearly completely dry. So sad. We need rain so badly. The forest is part of the Victorian Goldfields so it's littered with gold mines and diggings. Even when following trails you have to be careful as there are mines with false bottoms etc (and wombat holes) from years of leaves falling in them. We have discovered some wonderful mine shafts (ones you can walk in with original miners gear inside) and ruins over the years living here. The trail we walked along today is part of the Great Dividing Trail which goes all the way up to Queensland where Mum and Dad live. Strange to think we live on the same mountain range as they do and they are 2000 kms away.

This photo is taken from Fosters Lookout. You can see Mt Macedon in the background. Click on the photos to see things better. You can see the communication towers (not sure if you can see the cross). This was taken through the car window (hence the aerial) as it was very steep and I couldn't be bothered getting out of the car.

Snapped this photo of Jason, Kady and Leah walking down a track. When I downloaded I realised how small they look in comparison to the size of the tree. There are some huge trees out in the forest. Where we live (in our area of the forest) the gums are quite small in comparison as many years ago our area was logged.

This is the Lerderderg River. Normally great fishing in this river. Dry except for the odd stagnent rock pool. Sad to see it this dry.

Jason spotted this weird moss growing around the tree. Looked pretty cool.

Photo of Kady at Easter Monday mineshaft. This area is so mossy.
DAD the mine was dry for the first time in all the time we have lived here (Jason wouldn't go in on his own. You really need face masks for all the bugs in there. He wished you were there to go in with him as he knows how much you would have loved it).
This mine is called Easter Monday because that's when it was discovered back in the 1800's. Hard to believe it was all dug by hand through clay. This area is so mossy. Dry but it is still growing due to the shade. The mine is dug into a steep hillside. You can access the other opening at the top. It must be so steep inside. The tunnel is only just over a metre high. Imagine the bad backs working in there for 14 hours or more a day.

and one of Leah. I took photos of the girls here on Australia Day nearly three years ago. I also have a few photos of Dad in the same spot. It's a rough drive in the four wheel driving getting in there but at least today it was dry so no chance of getting bogged.


quiltingscraps said...

The forest looks beautiful Dawn, gosh the gum trees are really tall :-) Great photos!

Anonymous said...

the weather looks lovely there ,the forest reminds us of the time u took us for that walk when we were over there xxxxxxx

Liz said...

Dawn we drove from Lara to Maldon the other day.... I thought it looked dry we got closer to Maldon it was just so sad to see it all like that... We hadn't been up that way for at least 13 years...
Lovely drive though the forest area though