Sunday, November 26, 2006

Warning Bald Head May Blind

I had no intention on bringing these little ones inside. (Oh and I actually do have a lot of new hair on my head lol. It's all blond. I don't think I have ever been a blond but for now I am until it grows a little more. Not that you can tell in the photo with flash glare lol).
We are NOT keeping them. Hopefully my back neighbour will want them still. I saved them from a Kurrawong today. They got out of the chook pen through the fencing. They are only one and two days old and they are so small they fit through every crack (two more are still hatching so hopefully Mum won't pine too much). A pesty Kurrawong was eyeing them up for lunch so I thought I better save them as I had promised them to my neighbour who wants to hand rear them.

That's if they survive Leah's loving touch. They are so sweet and small and I really don't want them in their big box inside lol.
Did I mention how cute they are and how they think every human is Mum.


Anonymous said...

your hair was very fair when you were little, so maybe it will grow back that colour.
Love the little ducks, I was the same when we used to have ducks, I would bring them inside and would swop them for something with another neighbour could not eat them for the life of me.

quiltingscraps said...

So cute Dawn - your head not the ducks LOL. Blonde hair wow!

Seriously though, those little ducklings are sooo cute!

Paula... said...

too cute - you should have put a sunnies warning on this photo ROFL. Only kidding :)