Friday, July 28, 2006

Back Home With Good News

This week has flown by. I came home Wednesday afternoon although the doctor wanted me to stay longer. I was getting NO sleep in hospital at all as it was so noisy. I was beside the nursing station and the rooms were open plan style with no doors. By the second morning I needed a good sleep so bad. Was feeling a little down as I was so tired so the doctor agreed to let me go home with my drain in place.

I feel I am recovering well. The pain isn't as bad as I thought it would be although I am very tender, which is to be expected. I have been sleeping heaps and feel so much better being home. I have a nurse coming daily as I still have the drain in place. Hoping to get that out on Monday when I head back to see the surgeons at the hospital. My scar ended up being about 4 inches long across the top left side of my breast. The surgeons opted for one long incision rather than two smaller ones. They have done a marvellous job and I feel that although they have removed a lot the shape of my breast hasn't changed much. I have been very lucky.

We got some good news today. I had gone to my GP to get some antibiotics for an infection that was beginning in my breast. He mentioned my results had just been emailed through so he printed them out for me. Looks like all my lymph nodes are clear. The nodes and surrounding tissue showed changes but hadn't change to cancer thank goodness. The doctor scared me in hospital by saying that had done more surgery with my lymph nodes than planned and took five instead of two as they didn't look very good. Thankfully they were all negative. This has been playing on my mind. I feel now I can move on and heal and get ready for the next stage of my journey to begin.

I have kept a journal of my feelings and all the things that have taken place over the last month. I won't bore everyone with typing it all out here but from today I will continue to journal(as pre-surgery) all my happenings both scrapbooking and health wise and if anyone wants to read them they can.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments left and emails sent to me. They mean the world to me and really do help with the road to recovery. I feel I am getting stronger each day.


Rainy Nights said...

that is great news Dawn! Take it easy and don't over do it now.

Anonymous said...

Dawn.............geat to hear that you are home and taking it easy!
Nothing like your own bed to sleep in......take day at a time......

Coby said...

Hi Dawn, I am glad that you are able to be home with your family and that the test results were so reassuring. I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery. Love, Coby. xxx

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news. Keep on resting, and enjoy being looked after by all your loved ones!!

Shazz said...

greetings dawn.
you don't know me but i have been following your story on your blog since i first heard of your diagnosis.
having had the lives of loved ones touched by breast cancer all i can do is wish you all the very very best with your healing and your recovery.
i am glad that you are feeling ok with the way the op went and i hope that you continue to grow stronger and more positive as each day passes.
may life's richest blessings be yours and your family's.
take care

shazz pratten xo

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news and I hope that your recovery is quick. Sending gentle hugs and positive vibes!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I can't even begin to tell you how glad I am to read your post. You're amazing girl. Keep up that great attitude of yours :)

I'm so glad to hear you were able to go home so soon. Isn't it amazing how times have changed. Years ago it was so different.

Make sure you take lots of "you" time.

God bless sweetie.
Love Lynn

Anonymous said...

That is the best news ever.
I cried buckets, and I felt like I had a big weight lifted off of my shoulders.
I knew that you could do it, you were so strong, and brave.

Dont think I have ever felt so helpless,I just wanted to be with you, and tell you everything was going to be ok.
The nice comments on this blog, have helped me as well, every one was cheering for you, and sending good vibes.
You had better relax a bit more now, and let everyone wait on you for a change.
Lots of hugs and kisses for Jason, Kady, and leah, hope to see you soon, cant belive it has been one year today, since I saw you all when my brothers came over to vist.
Sometimes you feel so alone when all of your family live overseas, and we are over here, but I think we all have got stronger facing what we all have been through.
I was with you every step of the way, and was sending you love and hugs, and kisses.
I am so proud of you Dawn, I love you very much.
You are a battler.

Roz said...

Dawn how wonderful to come here and see that you have been given some good news!!

All the best for a quick recovery :o)

Roz James

Ngaire said...

Dawn it is great to hear that you are home. Hospitals are noisy places arent they.
Take it easy and look after yourself.

Jodene said...

Hi Dawn
I have been checking in regularly hoping for an update, and I am so glad to hear that your post-op test results are so encouraging. I hope that you can get lots of rest now that you are home, ready for the next step of your journey.

Chris Millar said...

How wonderful to hear your good news Dawn. You are so kind sharing your journey with us all. I wish you all the best in your recovery. Your layout for Kim is stunning!

Ann Lederhose said...

Dawn, have been following your story and am so pleased that your results are good news. Remember, the toughest of journeys only make you stronger. Many blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.