Thought I would share a few pictures that Mum sent me today of Dad's new Ute. Pretty cool don't you think.
For all those who are into country music, BNS balls and the ute scene make sure you drop by Dad's website (www.bnsgear.com.au) or drop by his site and say hi next time you are at a muster.
Doesn't Wal the Wombat look pretty cool on the side of Dad's car.
Thought I would share a comment about this ute.
I think that Will has gone back to his Childhood, but must admit, it is pretty cool, just love the colour.
like the colour of the ute
hi ur dad's site isnt workin
do u have an email for him... i need to talk to him about some stuff i bought from the deni ute muster this year
my email is bezza86@hotmail.com
thanx bonnie
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