Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Master D

D turns two today. Lucky boy gets to have two birthday parties in one day. One party with his Dad and one party with his Mum, family and friends. I honestly can't believe this little guy is two already. Happy birthday D.


Anonymous said...

dylan happy birthday love from the logie clan have a good day lots of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhi

Anonymous said...

we had a great night lsat night, dad stayed over at Donna,s and to drink into the night with his buddies.
He got a lovely walking stick from Tony with a bell on it, and a stubby holder for his rum, and he got a lot of money ,personilsed nunber plates, and a patio heater, so much more the old man was so spoilt.

Anonymous said...

It was lovely to see this beautiful book handed around the croud of many, chuffling about this mans life. Thankyou Dawn
I love you Sis & wished you were there.