All week the tree lay on the lounge room floor (driving me nuts). Yesterday Jason made a new base (as we couldn't buy one anywhere and the tree is only about 5 years old and cost way too much to throw away. We bought it from one of those cute Christmas shops in the city) out of 30kg of concrete. Not sure the wind will ever blow this over lol. Jason will just have to lug it upstairs every year lol
The tree is now back up in all it's splendour.
Can you see the cute little Santa in the background (left). So sad that it doesn't work lol. NOT. The most annoying thing we have ever owned (thanks to a generous Uncle). The kids however love it and get great joy out of clapping their hands to make him sing. mmmmmm I suppose I will buy some new batteries for him. After all 'Tis the season to be jolly'.
Am loving Christmas this year. Always do but this year it's even better. I even have a few pressies under the tree with my name on them for the first time in a while. Jason and I don't usually bother much with gifts for each other but this year we decided that we deserve to get a little something.

1 comment:
Oh Dawn the tree looks gorgeous with all the lights and decos!
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