Friday, December 01, 2006

A Busy Week

This week has flown by. Monday and Tuesday I did a little work from home for Fiskars. Tuesday I finished off my Christmas shopping. Wednesday was when things turned sour. I went in for my usual dressing change for my picc line and it wouldn't flush due to a blood clot in the line. I left the surgery and the DN was going to ring the hospital to see what they wanted me to do. I was so upset as I was halfway through an asian cooking class when I got the call to head straight into hospital. Ended up spending the day in hospital and luckily all was sorted out so I didn't have to stay the night.

Thursday I had a lovely day at home. Worked on some more stuff for Fiskars and waited for my Chrisco hampers to turn up. I can't believe how fast this week has flown. I am feeling pretty good although very tired as usual. I have ulcers in my mouth and throat once again. They seem to hit each time as soon as my immunity drops.

We have had some lovely hot weather this week. A cooler change is coming through tonight so tomorrow won't be as warm. Good scrapping weather. Well after I take kady for her monthly allergy injection.

Jason has to work Sunday so the girls and I will spend a lovely day doing nothing much at home.


Anonymous said...

glad your line was sorted out ,i think this year has gone quick ,i have had this week of work was hoping to do xmas shoping but instead just relaxed at home must try and do some shoping i will properly leave it till the last minute that nothing unusual for me ,love to you all xxxxxxxx

Paula... said...

WOW what a week - I hope all is sorted with your pic line!!

I had to stay home today (not that I had anything planned) as my Castle hampers were delivered. The kids thought it was Christmas already LOL